Sea Salt - Karokuyaen sea salt company


“Taian” - Lucky Day salt:  “Taian” is the good luck day in the Japanese traditional calendar. There are 4-6 lucky days in each month, and Ryota pulls out the sea water on those lucky days to make this salt! It will bring you good luck…!

Full moon salt: The sea salt made with the sea water pulled out on the full moon high tide days. It’s been said the full moon tide sea water tastes sweeter.


The Karokuya-En sea salt company is located in Tsuji-island in the Amakusa area in Kumamoto. The local inland sea, ‘Ariake-kai’ is known for aqua farming such as Nori (seaweed), sea salt, clam digging, etc. 

Ryota Fukuda started his own salt company in 2020 after training himself at a local sea salt company for over 17 years.

The way Ryota makes the salt is very simple. He built the workshop in front of the ocean so he could directly pull out the sea water with a long hose. Ryota gets scrap wood from the neighboring construction sites, burns the wood and boils the sea water to evaporate for at least four days. After the sea water completely evaporates Ryota’s wife Mami removes the tiny sands and stones by hand and his mother Hatsune does the packaging.

I hope you will enjoy the simple and pure flavor of Amakusa sea!

200 g

Product of  Kumamoto, Japan.

Store in the cool dry place after opening.

**Our products & statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Please consult your doctor before taking the products if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition.