Popup Events & News

DECK the HALLS in Ojai California!

DECK the HALLS in Ojai California!

I’m delighted to join in on the fun at DECK the HALLS event at Ojai rancho inn.  You will see amazing creations from many talented vendors and find incredible gifts for your loved ones. I will...

Pop up event in Topanga Canyon - 12/10

Pop up event in Topanga Canyon - 12/10

Battenwear + Yoka Good Things pop up marketplace at Battenwear’s design studio in Topanga Canyon, California.When:Saturday December 10th, 10AM-5PMWhere:1111 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd Unit 3 (down driveway, to right)Topanga, CA 90290 USAI will be bringing...

Pop up event in Downton L.A!

Pop up event in Downton L.A!

  We're excited to announce that we'll be having a pop up event this coming weekend atHIGHTIDE STORE in Downtown LA. The site is full of creative and inspiring stationery from Japan. HIGHTIDE is a brand...

Pop up event in Topanga

Pop up event in Topanga

Please come hang out this weekend at the pop up marketplace at Batternwear design studio in Topanga Canyon.  Sat 11/12, 10AM-4PMSun 11/13, 10AM-4PM 1111 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd Unit 3 (down driveway, to right)Topanga, CA 90290...